Monday, January 21, 2013

We are a detailed planned political system organization.

Peeps Political System! At first I called us a "No Party" System? Next I called us a 3rd Political Party? Then I called us a "One" Party System? All is true! I developed a new "U.S. Gov. Political Leadership Tradition, System to replace the failed one! This is the only way we can move forward for a new change is get rid of the system, political parties are the reason the system fails. George Washington spoke out about a 2 party system that was starting to develop in his time; & George said it is a disaster! Now in 2013 I developed a new political system that gets rid of the problem! Democrats fight Republicans for control of "Power" we vote on these 2 Parties with no other option? Cause they set up the system this way so they know if they fail they can blame the other "Party" is all a scam for power! My system is we get rid of them because the nature of the beast is a disaster as the 16 trillion dollar national debt crisis says so! Now with "Peeps Political System" we are an organization that is not a political party backed by rich contributors! We are an organization that is in power for the people & by the people. We take the money out of politics! How we do this is simple! We make a law that the media gives equal time to the new Political Leaders that represent the people by the "Public Opinion" is voted on by "Referendum" for example gun control we have a national vote to ban guns & only allow for non assault riffle & shot guns to be legal in "America" & based on the result of the national voting we carry out the laws & we now have a new political system example of who we are & why we will work. I am "Albert Kluss Jr." (Jesus Christ appeared to me go on my facebook.) We all have common sense, but the leaders don't have "Grace" to receive it! Because they are not "Holy" people. The nature of the political system & people who run the system will fail always. This is the truth & answer to how we can truly change the 2 party political failed system, with a new "One" Peeps Political System we need.